Good and Bad

(c) Jordan White Enterprises

June 2000

The struggle in the Middle East is not about who is "good" or who is
"bad". It is about justice.

After World War I, the British were given "Palestine" (modern-day
Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territories) as a mandate. France
was given a mandate also, which included modern-day Lebanon and Syria.
France eventually granted its territories their freedom; Britain,
however, arranged for a group of Europeans, the Zionists, to be allowed
to set up a state on land traditionally belonging to its native Arab
population. Having an automatic ally in the Middle East ensured
Britain's control of the Suez Canal and trade routes to its African
colonies, allowing it to continue its imperialistic hold on those parts
of the world.

In 1948, Israel agreed to abide by certain boundaries recommended by
the UN. The Arabs did not accept this proposal since they were not
willing to allow any portion of their lands to be expropriated.
However, in spite of its seeming acquiescence to the UN's plan, Israel,
in 1967, proceeded to enlarge these borders, claiming more Arab land.
Apparently, it did not matter that the UN disavows land acquired through

In 1988, the Palestinians agreed to accept the pre-1967 boundaries,
compromising on their original (1948) position. That is all the only
compromise they should ever be asked to make. In other words, in the
interest of justice and peace, Israel should dismantle all settlements
and return 100% of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.